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Skin Microbiome: Have You Heard of It?

Skin Microbiome: Have You Heard of It?

At this point, we've all heard about gut health — how poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle can knock it off balance — and the importance of probiotics to balance it out. Good gut health is said to be integral to all other physical functions and organs, including the brain (mood fluctuations are rumored to be directly linked to gut health). Think your skin is an exception? Nope!

Just like the rest of the body needs proper nutrition and probiotics to function at an optimum level, the skin also has these needs. If you're thinking, 'wait a minute… bacteria and skin care?', you're not alone. However, it's a fact that many of us think of the skin as separate from the rest of our organs, when in fact, skin is the largest organ in the body, and should be treated with the same amount of care that you'd give to, say, your liver or kidneys.

That's why choosing effective products is so important. There are many different products out there, and they all promise to do different things. When it comes to balancing out your skin, probiotics play a big role. But what exactly is the skin microbiome? How does it work? And where can one find products that protect it?

Skin Microbiome: Have You Heard of It?

Skin Microbiome: A Fragile Ecosystem

"The primary role of the skin is to serve as a physical barrier, protecting our bodies from potential assault by foreign organisms or toxic substances. The skin is also an interface with the outside environment and, as such, is colonized by a diverse collection of microorganisms — including bacteria, fungi and viruses — as well as mites" Source:

If one of the main functions of our skin is to protect our bodies from toxins, why on earth would we expose it to harmful and potentially carcinogenic, paraben-filled products? And yet, despite this knowledge, so many of us continually hunt for any product that promises to revitalize, renew, de-puff, and restore for that natural, youthful glow. What's the solution? Let's backtrack a bit and explain why keeping the skin microbiome in healthy balance is so important.

The skin microbiome (also known as skin flora), is made up of microorganisms that live on the surface and beneath the layers of the skin. According to DermNet, "the total microbial cell count in and on our bodies is 10 times greater than the number of human cells. After the gut, there are more microorganisms on the skin than anywhere else in the body." Just as probiotics help to balance gut bacteria levels, they also help protect the skin from various autoimmune disorders and infections and prevent free-radical damage and premature aging.

If the skins microbiome is healthy, it wards off infection by overpowering pathogens and other harmful bacteria. It also keeps the skin hydrated, plumped and free of oxidative damage. When the microbiome is imbalanced however, the results can appear on the skin in the form of fine lines, acne, inflammation, and even infection. This condition is also referred to as 'skin dysbiosis'.

Skin Microbiome: Have You Heard of It?

How to Maintain a Balanced Skin Microbiome

As with the rest of your body, following the standard rules of health will keep your skin healthy as well. Here are some important tips to maintaining good microbial health:

There is such a thing as too clean

Firstly, don't over cleanse or strip the skin using harsh chemical products. As much as they might 'feel' effective, the costs far outweigh the benefits. You want to make sure you're not disrupting the pH balance of your skin, and overwashing will do just that.

Be a smart consumer

Make sure to look for products that are gentle yet effective. GLOWBIOTICS ingredients are from natural resources and are free from any ingredients that might be harmful.


GLOWBIOTICS products are clean products, made with probiotics and antioxidants that keep the skin looking and feeling its best.

Use antibiotics sparingly
Don't rely too heavily on antibiotics, as overuse is known to ultimately weaken the immune system. Give your body's natural defenses a chance to work.

Use a high-quality probiotic
Nowadays, anyone and everyone is manufacturing probiotics. Make sure yours is potent and high quality — perhaps even doctor-recommended.

Watch your diet
Because gut health and skin health are connected, take good care of your gut by eating a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. Drink lots of water.

Sweat it out
Whether it's yoga or Orange Theory, make sure to get regular exercise. It won't just make you strong — you'll sweat out toxins as well. Find a way to de-stress.

Essentially, do everything you'd normally do to live your healthiest life. Your skin will thank you!

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